What is a Vortex Micro Hydro Power Plant?

Electricity production in complete harmony with nature

Small power station that generates green power based on water vortex technology

Renaturation and revitalisation of water, fish friendly
Typical Setup

Customized to Your Needs
The AquaZoom Vortex Micro Hydro Power Plants product consists of operations-ready micro (5kW) to mini (24kW) sized hydropower plants aimed at most situations with heads below 2m and flow rates of >1m3/s. It is ideally used in groups of 2-4 units for highest economic performance, but can equally be beneficial in single-use scenarios for self-consumption or where attractive feed-in-tariffs exist. In advanced economies, they are ideal as replacement of existing weirs that need to be removed due to regulatory changes. In emerging economies, they can be implemented to replace diesel generators or to bring power to remote areas without grid access.
Outstanding Net Energy Returns
The Institute for Integrated Economic Research, a global economics and energy research nonprofit focused on in- depth analysis of energy technologies confirmed that the current versions of AquaZoom Vortex Micro Hydro Power Plants reach Net Energy Returns of 16:1, indicating that the energy invested into the plant and its operations is returned 16 times over a conservatively assumed lifeme of 30 years with 50% utilization. Due to an expected lifetime of 50 to 100 years this by far outperforms any other energy technology currently available.
- Run-of-River Hydro
- Large Dam Hydro
- AquaZoom Micro Hydro
Ideally Suited for Former Mill Sites
Supporting heads from 1-4 m, former mill sites are the perfect place for installing AquaZoom Micro Hydro Power plants. Watermills of the 19th century typically meet the minimum criteria (on water flow, head, accessibility). In most cases, these mills are now defunct, but their weirs are still in place, posing problems for their owners (see “European waterways rule”7). AquaZoom Vortex Micro Hydro Power Plants offer an ideal way for landowners to comply with these regulations, while generating future revenue.

Key Criteria
for successful AquaZoom sites
- Minimum flow of 1m3 (1000 l)/second for a substantial part of the year
- Head of 1m to 2m (2 sequenced plants of 2 m head each are possible if 4m head)
- Road or waterway access nearby (to avoid major access roadworks and environmental damage)
- Feed-in options nearby (to avoid long connection lines to provide power)
- Ideally: 3G (or better) reception to enable remote monitoring
Patents & Quality Assurance

Patents on core technology
AquaZoom holds patents on core technologies securing hydrological efficiency (inlet, basin and turbine)

Swiss & German quality standards

Official tests of fish migration
Functional Principles & Technology
Based on 1-6 basins with a central drain
Construction out of concrete, steel, wood or stone
A water vortex is formed [above the drain]
Moving a slowly turning rotor [20-40 rotations per minute]
Rotor powers the generator and thus produces electricity
Unique Technological Features
- “Run of the river” setup in regions with low / no possibility of hydro power generation
- Low water demand (around 1 m3/sec) and hence can be installed in small perennial rivers and irrigation channels
- Low gradient requirement (2 meters over 20~500 meters) and thus can be installed in plains as well
- Plant components are locally manufactured and sourced in India
- Gestation period very low (through pre-fabrication) and hence can be installed within months
- Water vortex is created by way of drain
- The vortex moves a small turbine at around 20-40 RPM
- No Dam creation and no water holdup; high efficiency (> 60%)
- Construction may be of concrete or steel, wood or stone
- The rotor generates electricity using generator
- Power generation potential is 5~50 kW per basin
- Low RPM and virtually no maintenance requirements
- Friendly to fish and other aquatic species
- Lifetime 50~100 years
- No waste generation and hence no disposal issue
- Simple, robust and low-maintenance
- Very suitable for both on grid and off grid scenario
Get a Crystal Clear Idea about YOUR Project
For years, we’ve kept our promises and implemented successfully micro hydropower projects worldwide. Ask for the extended documentation of our project references and find inspiration, ideas and solutions for your personal project. Take the first step from vision to reality now.
What is a Vortex Energy Plant?

Electricity production in complete harmony with nature

Small power station that generates green power based on water vortex technology

Renaturation and revitalisation of water, fish friendly
Typical Setup

Customized to Your Needs
The AquaZoom Vortex Energy Plants product consists of operations-ready micro (5kW) to mini (24kW) sized hydropower plants aimed at most situations with heads below 2m and flow rates of >1m3/s. It is ideally used in groups of 2-4 units for highest economic performance, but can equally be beneficial in single-use scenarios for self-consumption or where attractive feed-in-tariffs exist. In advanced economies, they are ideal as replacement of existing weirs that need to be removed due to regulatory changes. In emerging economies, they can be implemented to replace diesel generators or to bring power to remote areas without grid access.
Outstanding Net Energy Returns
The Institute for Integrated Economic Research, a global economics and energy research nonprofit focused on in- depth analysis of energy technologies confirmed that the current versions of AquaZoom Vortex Energy Plants reach Net Energy Returns of 16:1, indicating that the energy invested into the plant and its operations is returned 16 times over a conservatively assumed lifeme of 30 years with 50% utilization. Due to an expected lifetime of 50 to 100 years this by far outperforms any other energy technology currently available.
- Run-of-River Hydro
- Large Dam Hydro
- AquaZoom Micro Hydro
Ideally Suited for Former Mill Sites
Supporting heads from 1-4 m, former mill sites are the perfect place for installing AquaZoom power plants. Watermills of the 19th century typically meet the minimum criteria (on water flow, head, accessibility). In most cases, these mills are now defunct, but their weirs are still in place, posing problems for their owners (see “European waterways rule”7). AquaZoom Vortex power plants offer an ideal way for landowners to comply with these regulations, while generating future revenue.

Key Criteria
for successful AquaZoom sites
- Minimum flow of 1m3 (1000 l)/second for a substantial part of the year
- Head of 1m to 2m (2 sequenced plants of 2 m head each are possible if 4m head)
- Road or waterway access nearby (to avoid major access roadworks and environmental damage)
- Feed-in options nearby (to avoid long connection lines to provide power)
- Ideally: 3G (or better) reception to enable remote monitoring
Patents & Quality Assurance

Patents on core technology
AquaZoom holds patents on core technologies securing hydrological efficiency (inlet, basin and turbine)

Swiss & German quality standards

Official tests of fish migration
Functional Principles & Technology
Based on 1-6 basins with a central drain
Construction out of concrete, steel, wood or stone
A water vortex is formed [above the drain]
Moving a slowly turning rotor [20-40 rotations per minute]
Rotor powers the generator and thus produces electricity
Unique Technological Features
- “Run of the river” setup in regions with low / no possibility of hydro power generation
- Low water demand (around 1 m3/sec) and hence can be installed in small perennial rivers and irrigation channels
- Low gradient requirement (2 meters over 20~500 meters) and thus can be installed in plains as well
- Plant components are locally manufactured and sourced in India
- Gestation period very low (through pre-fabrication) and hence can be installed within months
- Water vortex is created by way of drain
- The vortex moves a small turbine at around 20-40 RPM
- No Dam creation and no water holdup; high efficiency (> 60%)
- Construction may be of concrete or steel, wood or stone
- The rotor generates electricity using generator
- Power generation potential is 5~50 kW per basin
- Low RPM and virtually no maintenance requirements
- Friendly to fish and other aquatic species
- Lifetime 50~100 years
- No waste generation and hence no disposal issue
- Simple, robust and low-maintenance
- Very suitable for both on grid and off grid scenario
Get a Crystal Clear Idea about YOUR Project
For years, we’ve kept our promises and implemented successfully micro hydropower projects worldwide. Ask for the extended documentation of our project references and find inspiration, ideas and solutions for your personal project. Take the first step from vision to reality now.